Thursday, May 15, 2014

Walmart the Nucleus.

Sam Walton started his first Walmart store just 1.5 hours north of our home in Rogers, AR. A storefront 5 and Dime type back in the early 1960's. By the mid 60's stores were popping up all over Arkansas.

You cant meet a local Arkansan who has either knows someone who has personally met Sam Walton or met him personally themselves. Or they can remember shopping at the early stores. Why even my own family has a neat Walmart story. My Uncle first laid eyes on my gorgeous Auntie in one of the early stores here in Arkansas. And it was true love.  They have been married for over 40 years now. How many local Arkansans have similar stories.

I am constantly at Walmart. I am there several times a week as its only a 15 minute drive from my house. As a Momma, you have to have some sort of "escape." And you guessed it, Walmart happens to be mine. Its so much so that I have a made friends with store associates who now know my family. Who now ask about my relatives and even have offered up prayers for concerns regarding my family. I am a loyal Walmart customer to our store.

How this plays into my sharing today is this. Many of my life's circumstances of the past decade have involved our Walmart. I have been in the store when I have gotten calls from the school that my kid is sick, had a "accident," or because of inclement weather.

When my Father in law called me to tell me that he had just prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, I was headed to Walmart. I had to pull over through my tears and pull myself together before heading into the store.

When my husband wrecked his work truck and I got a call from his work stating the accident, I was at Walmart. I couldn't leave fast enough toward the wreck scene.

When my water broke and we were rushing toward the hospital, we needed to stop there to get snacks for the kids in the Labor and delivery room. Our Dear Aunt saw us in the aisles that day and thought I was nuts to be there through my contractions. But hey!! I wasn't going to pay hospital prices for my kids snacks.

Hours and hours of phone calls as I strolled the aisles. Friends and relatives marriages, pregnancies, divorces, moving, starting jobs, quitting jobs, struggles and heartaches of theirs and mine.

We have run into friends and family there countless times for hugs and news.

The day Dad passed. I was in the car headed to Walmart for more groceries.

But most profoundly of late was New Years Eve Day when I relieved a phone call in the scarf aisle from my Brother from California. They had recently had moved to Hawaii to take a bit of a sabbatical there. That day, again my world was rocked as He said:

"They found a tumor in my brain. We are at the hospital getting a MRI and CAT Scan. No formal diagnosis but it looked like cancer. Brain Cancer. Testing, hospital, brain surgery. But I have total peace........." 

 I don't remember much after that. I don't remember anything expect wanting to fall to the ground in the aisle. I remember looking up to the sun coming through the ceiling windows and mumbling to Heaven, "God are you kidding me?!! this has to be a joke. We just lost Dad."

I called Mom and my Aunt was with her. Thankfully she had someone there. They had called our pastor to come over quickly and He was there too. We spent time on the phone as we cried together, we prayed together, we were in shock together. All in that scarf aisle of Walmart.

Somehow I have just happened to be at Walmart when alot of this has taken place.

Understand that never once have I ever felt God has not been with us. Never once Have I felt like the Lord has abandon us. Dad died with cancer but it wasn't the cancer that took him? nope. It was age. Mom continues to walk her Mets 4 Breast Cancer journey. Is God walking in it with her?!! yes. And most recently and most profoundly. My brother diagnosed with Glioblastoma Brain Cancer in his early 40's. Does he feel like that Lord has abandon him?!! Nope. God told my brother that he would walk this journey but that HE would be with him. And it gave him indescribable peace amidst fighting this evil disease. Only God can do that.

Cancer is evil. It has rained havoc on my family. It has taken ones too soon. It now is trying to battle my Mom and my brother. Are we fearful?!! NOPE!! Because we know that we know that we know that God is all powerful, all knowing, the Creator of the Universe God and HE WALKS with us.

Cancer has no hold on us. It has no victory on our lives. For we belong to Jesus. We are HIS. That brings HOPE, PEACE, LOVE and JOY!! The choice is ours to choose these things. We choose to have them through this very difficult time.

We are believing God for great things to come from this. We are believing God to show up in Big ways because of part of the christian journey is suffering. And with suffering comes HOPE.

We chose to be gatherers of gratitude even in the middle of life's toughest of journeys.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Good News Translation (GNT)
But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. 10 I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
God be with you today. Tomorrow I will be sharing a little of my Brother's journey. All though it is their story to share. I want people understand what he has already experienced and what his next steps are. God Bless us as we travel this road. Hugs and love from one "gatherer" to the next.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

World Changer

The weather here in the South has been rainy and muggy for the past few days, making for great sleeping and enjoying warm delicious cups of coffee. Which has only seemed to lend a helping hand to my melancholiness. So I don't know if that's a plus or a minus. But either way, its helping put thoughts to paper.

I told you yesterday about Dad's passing. The kick in the gut, gut wrenching experience. And honestly I am still in mourning. In the Lakota tradition, a year is taken. In that year, you cut your long raven braids, you abstain from attending feasts and gatherings, and there is time of doing good but also you are free to mourn openly with much support from the community. Who understands your great sorrow. And will respectfully shake your hand if you are out in the community. There are other more traditional beliefs that the Native American Church believes but I wont get into that here. These practices are very much like that mourners in the Old Testament who ripped their clothes, shaved their hair, put ashes on their head and went to the edge of the city to wail and mourn openly. There have been a few days, were that seemed to be a appropriate escape for how I was feeling. Of course now days that might get you a one way trip to the Mental Institution. But there have been days like that. Today not being one of them.

I told you I would share more about the past few months. But I wanted to share more about Dad's passing and the good that came from it. The things that were impressed upon me and our family that maybe others didn't know. We were in such anguish. Yes, we were broken. He was truly the most amazing man I have ever met and to this day there is no man that could hold a candle next to the incredible man of character my amazing Daddy was. At his funeral I shared that I can only remember once him getting angry. But it was a righteous anger. Because it was for an injustice that had been done. And even in his righteous anger, he was apologizing to the offender for it. :) It was just who he was.

We looked for God in our anguish. And we found Him. When helping take Daddy down to the hearse. The funeral director told me about his life and how he used to be preacher in Alaska. How he had struggled and came home. Dad's life opened doors for me to share about how God was working even our in midst. He told me that he hadn't had many come down to the car w/ the gurney. I shared about my heritage and about my faith. Somehow it reached out and touched this man. Somehow he saw Jesus in our story and was blessed. Before my eyes I saw his demeanor change. He went from being put off to becoming open. And by the end, he was helpful and told me he would be praying for our family. :) I felt God move even before Dad's body left the hospital. That was God.

The days that followed were getting family in for the funeral and making arrangements. We all know how that goes. The community brought too much food. And it showed the impact my dear Dad had left on his community. It impressed on me to be mindful of how I treat my neighbors and the community in which i live. For even in death, your "mark" on this earth is felt.

Dad left his mark over and over. Mom received a letter from a man that lived thousands of miles away. He told of how Dad led him to the Lord, and how it changed the course of his families lives. If you knew the back story you wouldn't believe it. But then this man went on to be high up in our country's capitol. And in his letter he expressed how now, because his life was turned around how now his children were doing incredible things for the Lord around the world. We don't keep up closely w/ this family. But we knew of the fathers life and what he was doing. But to hear the impact his now grown children were Changing the World for Jesus brought us all to tears. Dad was constantly sharing his faith with people. Dad was constantly praying for families, men and women by name for years. His old prayer journal looked like his Bible. Well worn. We were humbled to know of the impact Dad had made across the decades. If you had met my dad you would know of his humble and quiet spirit. This story was one of many that humbled us that week.

We found the perfect spot to lay him to rest out in the most beautiful little valley amidst the gorgeous rolling hills of the Ozark Mountains. The graveyard is even next to a old white chapel. And it stays open year around for people coming to pray or pay respects to their loved ones already gone on. One day, maybe I will sit down with my family and try to put to paper a book about Dad's legacy.

I just wanted to say that in the days that followed Dad's passing that time after time, we felt God's presence with us. We saw God move in peoples lives, we saw little miracles happen that brought tears of joy and peace. And we were blessed.We truly saw God amidst our toughest of days.

Again, everyone headed home. My sister from Egypt got to spend extra time with Mom which was needed. Mom needed someone with her for that extra 2 weeks. Also my brother from California was able to spend 2 extra days with them. I know that meant so much to both my sister and my Momma. I had to come home because my young kids needed to be back in school. It was gut wrenching to have to leave Mom after our time together, but again I knew she was in good hands w/ my older sister.

Everyone headed home, and life was a readjustment for everyone. Learning out to live after the family and friends go away. Learning to carry on. We all have been there before. I know people know exactly how that feels. Mom was invited by all of us kids to come home with all of us. She had her choice of places to go, but her heart wanted to stay close to where daddy lay. She wanted to figure this out for herself. It was hard for all of us to know she was there alone without us her children. We did feel comfort knowing that her sister lived close. And that the church family was taking such good care of her.

And so life was carrying on. By Christmas time a Ice Storm hit. We were suppose to have Christmas with Mom and all power was lost and we were iced in for over a week. Thankfully my brother from Illinois was able to drive down and spend Christmas Day with Mom. My little family felt horrible that we couldn't make it up there to be w/ her during her first Christmas without Dad. Weather just didn't seem to be cooperating. We would plan on driving the few hours to her house and more weather would come. And the thing about where we live is all the hills. we live in a area of curvy roads and hills. Icy roads here in the South kill people. It was something I had to learn after living up North where there are 4 actual seasons. We hardly get snow this far south. We were planning on getting together for New Years. If weather could clear up enough, we were headed to Grammy's for New Years.

I will share more tomorrow about what the New Years held for us, but I"ll stop here for today.
Through losing Dad, we found so many things that brought us more peace. Including all the testaments from people impacted by Dad's faith and love. He truly was a World Changer. Making us once such Gatherers of Gratitude. The Scripture passage that seems so fitting for this post is these verses.

 13 Our friends, we want you to know the truth about those who have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have no hope. 14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in him. 15 What we are teaching you now is the Lord's teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. 16 There will be the shout of command, the archangel's voice, the sound of God's trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; 17 then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. 18 So then, encourage one another with these words.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-28 GNT 

What a great hope knowing that this is NOT the end. Love and blessings from us to you. Have a awesome and encouraging day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gratitude Gatherer even when your Daddy is taken.

That was nearly a year ago that i made my past post. I admit I was quite nervous about sharing via the world wide web. However, I have gathered my courage and have decided to "pick up my pen" yet again. Or so to speak.

Since my previous blog entry about my Mom and her journey, so much has happened. It has been a whirlwind of "life." I don't claim that our life is any different then anyone else out there. I have my insecurities and what nots just like everyone else. I have failures and make huge mistakes. Nothing about me says I have a right to have any sort of opinion. My hope is that I would never come across as a someone that is better then anyone else. We are all on our own journey through this life. I am working just as hard as the next person to find peace, grace, solace, and gratitude amidst my own journey.

Last summer we were so thankful to have my sister and her 3 children back from Egypt. We enjoyed a summer full of memories with my parents back on the lake where they have lived now for nearly a decade. Bike rides through the sleepy little resort town. Beaches, campsites and boats nearly make this little town seem like a little slice of apple pie Americana. The Norman Rockwell type of place where families come for a summer holiday. All of my sibling's families love to return to my parents lakefront home to enjoy the relaxing affects of "Lake livin" in North Central Arkansas. The summer includes weenie roasts, bonfires, boat rides, fishing, fire flies and laughter. Memories to cherish for a lifetime.

And that's just what they were. By the end of the summer all the family had returned home, and were getting back into the busy and hectic ho-hum of the kids school routine. Mom had another incident toward the end of summer that had us all worried. Something happened with her heart and she was rushed to a local hospital for testing and a few days rest in the hospital. Nothing was conclusive and so she was sent home. To this day, we aren't sure what happened, except it could have been over exhaustion from the crazy of having all the kids and grands home for the summer. We were relieved that there wasn't anything more serious going on. Life continued on w/ church, bible studies, her exercise classes and her weekly "Sing". One day i'll share w/ you about her weekly singing group. Locally, here in the South, these types of groups exist. Its a group of locals coming together for a good Ole Timer toe tappin', banjo and guitar pickin' Sing. Its considered by some as "hillbilly" but mostly its Southern country living exemplified. Its bluegrass at its best. And they are a dying breed. And Mom is blessed to enjoy her time with this local group each week.

We had no idea that my Dad would pass away on Sunday Nov. 10 and 11th, 2013. And one day, I want to share all about my Dad's amazing legacy, but for now let me share the details of this day. Life was going on for my parents. Dad was still preaching at the the local community Bible church were he was still Senior pastor. He was in his 92nd year in age and was still going strong. I know people are shocked when I say my Dad was still preaching at 92. But He was still so amazing in spirit. He and his associate Pastor Willie would switch weeks so Dad could still share his love for Jesus in the pulpit. Dad had been preaching for 70 years by this time. And our family as been used to the Sunday morning "church routine" of getting there early and staying late. And Dad was excited each week to see Jesus show up and visit during services each week. Which I believe Dad ushered there through his powerful personal Prayer life.

That day, Dad enjoyed the morning service and even led a hymn. By the afternoon He and Mom were off to a afternoon fundraising "Sing" at the Community Center for a family who had just lost children in a tragic car wreck. The Sing was led by a family who sings gospel music locally. During the worship session they sang "I'll Fly Away" and were onto singing "I Stand Amazed" when my precious Daddy fell back and instantly was standing amazed TRULY in the presence of Jesus his Lord.

When this happened, my sweet Momma didn't know that Dad had passed and thought he was unconscious. She was in complete shock as we call imagine. And so 911 was called. I want people to understand that Dad had a DNR but wasn't wearing anything to notify EMS of his choice. And so their duty is to SAVE. And so after being revived and brought back, They realized how serious he was, and so he was life flighted to a local hospital. In this process I was called and since I am the only child that lives close enough to get there quick enough, I needed to come NOW. I can only remember rushing to pack my 4 children with my husbands help amidst tears streaming down my face. Everything was happening in slow motion at that point. My first thought was about me driving my 4 children alone, and  I thought about driving 3.5 hours through the dark Ozark Mountains knowing they were packed full of deer on the move since rifled deer season had just started.

Somehow in my "fog," we got my vehicle packed as I was making phone calls to my siblings and all the other family members. I was told that Dad was revived and he was on life support and that they didn't know if he could even hear them. And that they were waiting for me to come to say goodbye. Come say goodbye. Deafening words for this youngest daughter to hear. No child at any age is ready to say goodbye to their parent.  To this day, I don't know how we made it safely across the nearly 4 hours without stopping. Me w/ my 4 children. My husband Shawn had to stay home since we didn't know if I would be coming home in a day a week or what. We made the choice that it was best he stay home until we knew more. He didn't like the idea as much as I, but we prayed that God would protect his family through the roads safely to my Mom's side.

God continued to be in the details of this situation because not only did all the people praying the deer off the roads that night, but that I arrived safely, the 4 kids traveled amazingly, and He was taken to a town where I had dear friends to help w/ kids if need be. I was met by 2 of my dearest High School friend at the front doors of the hospital holding food and open arms for hugs and tears. I gathered my courage and we went to the ICU. There we were met with more family and Dad's associate pastor and his wife, and Mom. Talking about this I am sure brings back your own memories of your own circumstance. I hadn't known what to expect when seeing my precious Dad. But there he was. There he laid. Machines all over him and nearly unrecognizable. All the wires, tubes and machines. While traveling I had been in constant contact with my family already there. Mom had told me that we could decide about "turning him off" when I arrived. My other siblings had also gave me permission to decide that as well via our phone calls.  But when I seen Dad. I knew. :( I took one look and knew. Everyone left the room, including Mom so I could say my goodbyes. I had to be strong, I had to find peace as I cuddled up next to my Daddy and said.

"Dad, I don't think you can hear me because by the looks of it, your already in Heaven. But if you can hear me, I came to say my goodbyes and to tell you I love you. I couldn't have asked for a more exceptional father, I cant tell you thank you enough for adopting me, You will always be my hero. The other kids know your here and told me to tell you they love you too. We all love you dearly, don't worry about Mom. We will take good care of her. Go and be with your Saviour. Its okay Dad, Go...!!"

My husband and I said some of the same thing nearly 2 years earlier to his Daddy as he let go of his cancer battle. There I was, tears blurring my vision,  holding Dads hand, a hand I wanted to never forget. I wiped my tears because I wanted him to journey quickly, and not have his body held on earth while his spirit was somewhere else. I knew about his DNR and knew his wishes. Being hooked up to machines keeping him alive was never what he wanted. So quickly I called for the doctor and Mom came too. I told them it was okay for them to go ahead and have the machines turned off. That it was time to let him go on his own terms. I hated seeing Mom like that, but I knew that we couldn't delay his journey. I hated what it meant for her. Here she was in her own cancer journey and now her biggest advocate was suddenly taken. It was so hard, but We had to trust God and His plan.

And so the machines were taken off and Dad's heart beat long enough for my 3 eldest to say goodbye to their Grampie. We called my brothers and sisters to tell them that we had turned off the machines and now we waited for the final breaths. I prayed. I prayed and prayed that God would take him soon. I didn't want to see Mom have watch him slowly go. When Shawn's daddy passed, he journeyed so slowly. It was heart wrenching to watch my Mother in law and my brother and sister in laws. I didn't want to see my own Momma go through that. Because I already knew how hard it would be. God answered my prayer. And after only a few short hours, Dad's body met his spirit on Monday Nov 11. Veterans Day. A day to honor our veterans. Dad would have been proud to know he journeyed that day. As he was very proud of them and our country. It was a honor for him to go physically that day. Even though we acknowledge that his spirit went the day prior in full worship of his King.

When Dad passed, I did what I had also done with Father in law, and that is to send Mom on with family and to wait for the funeral home director to come and to help him and the nurses wrap Dad's body and lovingly help lift and take his body down to the Hearse. I don't know if that is part of my Native American culture but I have always felt that part of their journeying is to go with the body until you cant anymore. To make sure that their bodies are honored and respected until you can no longer physically be with them. I felt honor to take both my Daddy and my sweet father in law out of the hospital. I told them I would honor them this way. And each time it helped in my own healing because I knew that it was what I was asked to do. I don't expect others to understand that, or to even consider doing that. But it's within me to go the distance in honor of these men who are part of the fabric and thread of who my family and children are. Its just what I need to do to show them great honor.

I want to share more tomorrow about this past few months. But first, let me say this. Mother's Day made it 6 months since Dad passed. And over Mother's Day, Mom was able to spend a much needed time away from her cancer journey and continue on her healing emotionally from Dad's passing and is enjoying this time in Egypt with my older sister. What a blessing for them to spend this time together. I am blessed that they can be together to help encourage each other in this way. This past weekend for me was extremely hard. But I made it through because all though i have my moments, I know where he is. And that is what brings so much comfort in those moments when He is sorely missed. 

For me, I understand that part of living is dying. Part of this journey in life is also losing people. As we age it seems that the loss in our lives become greater and greater. Life goes on and we grieve. We grieve for many reasons and through different seasons on and off again until we make our own spirit journey to heaven.  For my own travel, I have realized that the only way to survive and overcome is to be a Gatherer of Gratitude. Because in the thankfulness, you find grace, and hope, and joy and peace. All are things needed to travel this life. Gods blessings on you today and always. We are blessed because God is always so good. Even in our toughest of times. He is good.  

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." Philippians 3:20

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The journey begins again

I believe that God wanted me to start a blog. So here it is. Let the writing begin.

I have been thinking and praying about what to write these past few days since finding out where my Mom stands in her journey of Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer which is now in the bones. I knew that i needed to find a place to journal what God is teaching me through this process. Let alone what He is teaching my Mom.

Ive been walking around tending to the chores of being the keeper of my home. All the while with these thoughts rolling around in my head. These thoughts about yet another loved one, now my own Mother, facing what could very well be the end. I have wrestled with God as I took laundry to the washer, or as I walked and rocked my newly born 2 month old to sleep in the middle of the night. I have no doubt that God knew that in some way shape or form that we would need that sweet bundle that loves to cuddle me as much as I do her. Why even now her head lays on my chest listening to my heartbeat. Bringing her that security and peace she knew inside my womb. Somehow shes been a comfort to me as I have tried to walk through this again in my mind and through my prayers to God.

Mom has her own version of her journey to share, and I, as her daughter feel the importance of sharing my version of our story.

Hearing the "not so great" news as I waited anxiously for her phone call the afternoon after her appointment. I almost already knew it was great news. That despite her getting a bad report that the cancer was coming back on her ribs and spine, i knew that since her being on the new medicine that no doubt God had healed her once again through the medicine she was taking. This time when I answered and heard her define her newest dianose that the new bump on her old breast cancer scare was in fact the cancer returning there too. But through the courage in her voice I could tell that again it was overwhelming news to her as well.

As I write this, I know that she is also seeking the Lord and trying to find answers. And no one can help her come to her own conclusion on her FIGHT except for herself. As her daughter, I have prayed and prayed, "Lord as Mom seeks you, help her to find the answers she seeks". What else can you pray for someone who's just been told that this could be a quicker journey then it has been in the past.

As I prayed for her, I also fought w/ God regarding my own feelings. Of course a daughter wants her Momma always. Of course this cant be the beginning of the end. There are grandchildren that need their Grammy. But then because of the Godly upbringing that she herself instilled in me, I know it sounds so selfish to ask for my will to be done instead of the Lords. Ah, the journeys we face in this lifetime. The shaky ground we have to walk at times.

Going back to my walking and talking to God as I "do life". As I turmoiled through the heavy stuff, I kept going back to a song I kept hearing on KLove. A song by Chris Tomlin, "Whom shall I fear" What's crazy is that I have been playing is so much that now my 4 and 5 year old will be playing on the floor or ground and singing these very words. Our hearts our very heavy for Egypt where my sister lives, and married into, our hearts are heavy for Pastor Saeed who is imprisoned for his faith. Our hearts are heavy for dear ones who have seen much tragedy this year. We ourselves buried a very dear cousin to cancer a few short months ago. But the thought of "angel armies" kept appearing in my head. When I first heard the song, I wasnt even singing the words right, until one day when I had a "ah ha" moment. And I heard the bold words "Angel Armies." My mind was blown. How much of my faith as been so tiny and itty bitty in what I am asking God to do. Now suddenly the whole universe opens up and I suddenly realize that we have a God of Angel Armies who fights these battles for us. I was going through my Bible app (Yes I said app) looking to see if the Bible used this exact terminology. I found it in The Message version of the Bible. All over the Old Testament there is was The God of Angel Armies over and over. How much more now could this God that I serve do anything He wanted for each of these circumstances. Including my Moms circumstance and so much more.

I cant for one second tell you the outcome of my Mom's situation. Nor will I try. I can't tell you what the next days, weeks, months or years hold for her/our family. But one thing that I kept going back to, as well as 'the Angel Armies' was what I have learned through nearly losing my son, through us losing my husbands daddy from cancer 2 years ago, and then losing our dear cousin several months ago to this awful disease. This one thing we committed to doing. And it was this....Look for God through the trial and journey. And where God shows up there is bound to be gratefulness and peace. He really showed us this in Shawns daddys passing. We would be distraught and a random stranger would come and encourage us w/ just what we needed to hear just at that moment. A preacher would randomly show and calm upset relatives when we couldn't. Money we didn't have, randomly showed up as my husband lost pay after running out of leave to stay by his daddy's side. Each step God showed up and proved himself through our tragedies. Making us gatherers of Gratitude over and over. It went from gratitude for these circumstances to gratitude for each other, for our kids, for our lives, for our home, for each and every lil thing this life gives.  Ann Voskamp beautifully shared today some profound thoughts about finding joy in the hard and touched me so deeply. If you get a chance follow her if your not already.

I admit that I have been overwhelmed by my Moms news. I have waged back and forth, and then this morning, and last night God begin to show me where my priority needed to be. Ann's post for today reiterated what God has been showing me. Find Joy, find Grace and find Gratitude. Here is the post from Ann's friend Sara who is now home free but oh she has some truth. This read will inspire- "Overwhelmed" It brought all of my heart to peace and rest as I have already been on the right journey w/ Mom's cancer. And that is these basic truths.  Be grateful for phone calls and visits over meals, grandchildren's hugs, laughter and tears. But in all of it. 

Be grateful for another day, week, month, year.

For now- for today, that is where I will choose to be as my moms daughter.

Signed another Gatherer of Gratitude.